abat among the top 3 employers in Bremen

On the employer rating platform kununu, abat took 3rd place in the ranking of Bremen's best employers among large companies. Based on a comprehensive survey, various aspects of the working environment were considered. Factors such as working atmosphere, work-life balance, salary levels and employee development were evaluated. An impressive 95% of our employees would recommend us as an employer, with particularly high levels of satisfaction in the diversity and culture categories. Our perceived modern culture is 13 percent above the industry average.

With a score of 4.39 out of 5, abat even took first place in the Career & Salary category. This category includes the areas of training and salary & benefits. The score an employer receives in this category is therefore not only based on salary, but also on career and training opportunities. In the ranking of Bremen's top employers by sector, we took first place among consulting companies. This award once again underscores our claim to be an outstanding employer. And we can only be that thanks to our outstanding employees!
