Additional test procedure competence according to § 8a BSIG


According to the IT Security Act, operators of critical infrastructures are obliged to provide the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) with proof of the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures every two years.  

To ensure the validity of this proof, the audit team must demonstrate specific expertise in the areas of special audit procedures for Section 8a BSIG, audit expertise, IT security and information security expertise and industry expertise. 

Our training aims to provide you with the necessary additional audit procedure expertise in accordance with Section 8a BSIG. Our experienced trainers have developed the methods and tasks for this training course in close co-operation with the BSI and various other training providers.


This was done as part of a multiplier workshop to ensure that the content not only meets current requirements, but is also practical and effective.

Target group

The training course is open to all interested parties and is particularly recommended for internal audit officers, auditors and certified public accountants who are seeking audits in accordance with Section 8a (3) BSIG. It provides an in-depth understanding and practical knowledge to best prepare you for the audit processes. 


  • Desired date possible on request

The General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) of abat AG apply to the registration for our training course ‘Additional test procedure competence according to § 8a BSIG’. Please note that the implementation of the course is dependent on reaching a minimum number of participants and can be cancelled by abat AG if this number is not reached. We recommend early registration in order to secure a place and to increase planning security for all participants.

register now 

Smiling woman sitting at a desk, leafing through documents with pencil in hand.

Program sequence

1st day: 09:00 to 17:00

2nd day: 09:00 till 15:00

The following contents are taught in this training:

  • The IT Security Act
  • The BSI Criticality Ordinance
  • The test basis
  • Evidence according to § 8a (3) BSIG

You will have the opportunity to demonstrate the specialist knowledge you have acquired during the course in a written test. At the end of the course, you will take a written test in accordance with BSI specifications. If you pass, this will be noted on your certificate of attendance, which serves as confirmation of your newly acquired competences.


In addition to preparing for the training, the following reading is recommended:

  • BSIG 
  • KritisV 
  • Guidance on content and requirements for industry-specific safety standards (B3S) in accordance with § 8a (2) BSIG 
  • Guidance on evidence in accordance with Section 8a (3) BSIG 
  • Requirements in accordance with Section 8a (5) BSIG 
  • Guidance on the use of attack detection systems 
  • § Section 8a (1) BSIG - Specification of KRITIS requirements 
Close-up of a 5 euro note with architectural details and visible value.

Course fees

1.200,- EUR plus VAT.
The participation fees cover all training costs, including technical equipment and the provision of training documents. The fees also include catering during the training and the examination fee. We make sure that you can concentrate fully on learning by catering for your physical well-being and providing all the necessary materials. 


abat AG, An der Reeperbahn 10, 28217 Bremen
(on-site training and testing)

The training and examination can also take place online on request.

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Are you interested in the training?

Additional test procedure competence according to
§ 8a BSIG


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